Saturday, February 20, 2010

Evaluating your overseas suppliers

Local players of the pharmaceutical industry in the Philippines are often faced with the dilemma of choosing the source or manufacturer of their products. One of the factor that is given much emphasis in the decision making is price competitiveness. Experience however shows that ignoring other equally important factors is like choosing your bride simply for her looks which sadly many leads to divorce.

On many occasions I have dealt with clients who complained about suppliers who would without prior notice increase the minimum order quantity, raise prices and in some instances simply disappears . This has led to disruptions in on-going marketing programs, losses in revenue that threatened the operational viability of some companies and tarnished company image.

It is therefore prudent not to rush into marriage with any supplier without giving careful scrutiny and due diligence. Below are some of the recommended requirements that you may consider before signing-up.
  • Ask your target supplier to provide you with the names, addresses and contact numbers of at least three of their overseas clients. Carefully verify these information and ask questions related to quality, consistency and reliability.
  • If you can afford it, personally visit their facilities or request your supplier to be audited and accredited by the Philippine Chamber of Pharmaceutical Industry (PCPI)
  • Require your supplier to comply with the requirements of the ASEAN Common Technical Dossier (ACTD) and ask them if they can comply with specific packaging requirements demanded your local clients such as Mercury Drug who requires products to be stamped with the expiry date corresponding each tablet. Give preference to suppliers who can provide in-vivo BE studies.
  • you may check your supplier's membership in respected organizations, listing in the stock exchange or years in business in the country where they operate.

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